Saturday, June 16, 2012

N3 Cara Pintas Yang Dianggap Pantas - Cheat Game Online

Setelah sekian lama ga ngeblog lagi, saya sekarang bakalan ngepost tentang Cheat Game Online. Dan mungkin saya sekarang ga akan ngepost make bahasa Inggris dulu, berhubung saya sadar bahasa Inggris saya ga bagus bagus amat.
Back to the topic, kalian pernah main game online ga sih? Saya yakin 60% pasti pernah, dan kadang saat main game online tuh agak kesel karna misal :
1. Game terlalu sulit
2. Yang mainnya pada punya skill dewa
3. Kurang hoki kali ya
Sehinga anda kadang kesal dan ga mau main game online lagi, dan sejenak terpikir dibenak kalian "kenapa sih ga make cheat aja, kan enak tuh"
Hal ini pasti pernah terjadi di benak semua orang yang bermain game online, dan kadang mulai pada nanya deh ke google "Cheat Game Online Indonesia" muncul dah tuh di google sejuta hasil yang isinya ga jelas semua.
Terkadang isi blog itu hanya scam dan ternyata isi cheatnya tuh virus, atau engga cheat yang udah kadaluarsa, dan yang paling parah adalah cheat tersebut berisi keylogger.
Karna itulah lahir Nyit - Nyit.Net sebagai portal cheat game online Indonesia.
Terus emang apaan sih nyit - tuh?
Nyit-Nyit.Net didirikan pada tanggal 13 Januari 2003 disebuah warnet dipulau Jawa. Merupakan hasil oprekan team dengan dimodali perusahan B43 Cyber Company "The cyber life solutions" dengan services/jasa web hosting dan web design (Owner: a'a Utam).
(Source Nyit-Nyit.Net)

Akhirnya pada pertengahan tahun 2005 dibuatlah sebuah forum yang tujuannya ke arah industri software indonesia dan social enginering aplikasi dengan harapan memajukan indonesia di dunia software aplikasi.
(Source Nyit-Nyit.Net)

Ditengah perjalanannya Nyit-Nyit pun pernah mengalami masa kelam. Katanya servernya pernah downtime dan issue nya sih warnet yang jadi base N3 (Nyit-Nyit.Net) kena gerebek polisi razia waktu sama microsoft. Dan banyak deh cerita lainnya... Silahkan baca disini untuk melihat sejarah Nyit-Nyit.Net

Terus gimana anda bisa kenal nyit -
Sama seperti kalian saya juga penggemar game Online dan sering merasa kesal saat di game tersebut saya kalah, akhirnya ya saya cari di google. Disana saya menemukan cheat yang cukup bagus, berberapa lama kemudian cheat tersebut expired karna GM sudah melakukan update. Dan sialnya, blog itu sudah tidak melakukan update lagi. Saya tidak kehabisan akal, saya berfikir cheat pasti tidak akan datang sendiri pasti ada pembuatnya. Saya liatlah di bagian credit cheat tersebut, dan tertera .....@N3 (saya lupa siapa yang buatnya pokoknya di akhirnya tuh ada @N3)

Akhirnya saya coba cari di google apa N3 itu? Ternyata itu adalah portal Cheat Game Online. Akhirnya saya coba register di forum tersebut, sayangnya pada masa itu bagi anda yang ingin register pada forum tersebut harus membayar sejumlah uang (Sampai sekarang masih diberlakukan). Walaupun begitu saya tetap sering membuka forum tersebut karna bagi 2 orang yang beruntung setiap harinya akan mendapatkan acc. secara cuma - cuma.

Selama beberapa minggu sayapun bermain tanpa cheat, dan tetap membuka forum tersebut walau belum mempunyai account (Kali aja ada event register gratis). Dan benarlah, beberapa hari kemudian N3 mengadakan event register gratis selama beberapa hari, tanpa banyak omong akhirnya saya register di forum tersebut. Dan betapa bersyukurnya saya pada waktu itu karna saya berhasil menjadi bagian dari forum N3. Rasanya bagaikan surga cheat game online. Dari situlah saya mulai sering aktif buka nyit-nyit (walau jarang ngepost).

Jadi inti dari post ini apa?
Intinya saya hanya ingin mengenalkan pada khalayak umum tentang Nyit - nyit tuh ya pokoknya keren abis, bukan hanya sekedar sharing cheat aja. Disana juga kita bisa mencari ilmu tentang dunia perhackingan.

Selain itu N3 juga memiliki visi untuk memajukan software Indonesia, jadi disana tuh bisa juga share software hasil kreativitas kita.

Jadi bagi anda pemakai cheat daftarlah di N3 sebagai portal cheat game online Indonesia, dan bagi anda yang ingin maju belajarlah. Jangan cuma menjadi leecher yang tak berguna.

Sekian dari saya. (walau mungkin anda merasa kurang jelas kali ya)
Wassallam Wr. Wb.
Read More "N3 Cara Pintas Yang Dianggap Pantas - Cheat Game Online"
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Google Doodle Celebrate 101st Years Akira Yoshizawa

Today 14th March 2012 Google Doodle Celebrate 101st Years Akira Yoshizawa.
Born on March 14, 1911, in Kaminokawa, Japan, to the family of a dairy farmer. When a child, he took pleasure in teaching himself origami. He moved into a factory job in Tokyo when he was 13 years old. His passion for it was rekindled in his early 20s, when he was promoted from factory worker to technical draftsman. His new job was to teach junior employees geometry. Yoshizawa used the traditional art of origami to understand and communicate geometrical problems.
Google Doodle Celebrate 101st Years Akira Yoshizawa.
In 1937 he left factory work to pursue origami full-time. During the next 20 years, he lived in total poverty, earning his living by door-to-door selling of tsukudani (a Japanese preserved condiment that is usually made of seaweed). His origami work was creative enough to be included in the 1944 book Origami Shuko, by Isao Honda (本多 功). However it was his work for a 1951 issue of the magazine Asahi Graph that launched his career although, according to another account, his first step on the professional road was a set of 12 zodiac signs commissioned by a magazine in 1954.
In 1954 his first monograph, Atarashi Origami Geijutsu (New Origami Art) was published. In this work he established the Yoshizawa-Randlett system of notation for origami folds which has become the standard for most paperfolders. The publishing of this book helped Yoshizawa out of his poverty. It was followed closely by his founding of the International Origami Centre in Tokyo in 1954, when he was 43.
His first overseas exhibition was organised in 1955 by Felix Tikotin, a Dutch architect and art collector of German-Jewish origin, in the Stedelijk Museum. Yoshizawa lent many of his own origami models to other exhibitions around the world. He would never sell his origami figures, but rather gave them away as gifts to people, and let other groups and organizations borrow them for exhibiting.
He married his second wife Mrs Kiyo Yoshizawa. She served as his manager and taught origami alongside him till his death on his 94th birthday..
Google Doodle Celebrate 101st Years Akira Yoshizawa.
Read More "Google Doodle Celebrate 101st Years Akira Yoshizawa"

Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger

Hai guys, now i will share a tutorial about Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger. I have said a thousand time that, "I always visit spiceupyourbog to get inspired, and sometimes i will repost some post on spiceupyourblog". And now i got an awesome tutorial and i want to repost that tutorial on my blog, called Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger.
Do you know Sharing is sexy widget? Ya, its a great widget and useful. Now spiceupyourblog make an another version of sharing is sexy widget. Its an open slide heart social bookmarking. You can see the demo by clicking here

Add The Split Heart Bookmarking Gadget Top Your Blog

Remember guys, always backup your template before you started to editing your template.
Ok lets do it Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger

1. Login to blogger - Design - Edit HTML
2. Find </head> code, you can use Ctrl + F to help you find it
3. Copy this code below before the </head> code
<!-- Start Heart Bookmarking Gadget Code From -->
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>stLight.options({publisher: &quot;ur-98d377f-bdd3-9ad1-fbe5-2a678f0a60ee&quot;, onhover:false}); </script>
<link href='' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<!-- End Heart Bookmarking Gadget Code From -->
4.  And the next tips is find this following code </body>
5. After that copy this code below, before </body>
<!-- Start Heart Share Code From -->
<div style='position: fixed; bottom: 2%; left: 2%;'>
<div class='shareEgg' id='shareThisShareHeart'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>stlib.shareEgg.createEgg(&#39;shareThisShareHeart&#39;, [&#39;facebook&#39;,&#39;twitter&#39;,&#39;pinterest&#39;,&#39;linkedin&#39;,&#39;stumbleupon&#39;,&#39;email&#39;,&#39;sharethis&#39;], {title:&#39; <data:blog.pageTitle/>&#39;,url:&#39;<data:blog.url/>&#39;,theme:&#39;shareheart&#39;});</script><a href="">Blogger Wordpress Gadgets</a>
<!-- End Heart Share Code From -->

How to Change The Widget Position

The Gadget is currently set to be in the bottom right corner of your blog but you can easily change this. In blue above you can see bottom: 2%; left: 2%;. You can change Bottom to top for it to be at the top of the page and left to right for it to be on the right of the page. You can also change the percentages to have it further from the bottom/top and left/right.
6. Save your template
Ok thats it  Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger, you can put your question below.
Read More "Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger"
Monday, March 12, 2012

List Of Site Service to Increase Twitter Followers

List Of Site Service to Increase Twitter Followers
Yes, now twitter is the best social media that will helped you to increase your visitor. But how to get a lot of visitor on twitter? Its simple how to get a lot of visitor on twitter, now many site has a service that will give you a lot of visitor. Just register on that site an click "get 100 Followers". Its not a scam, although the password arent protected so the site can tweet an auto tweet to your account but its really give you a lot of followers. But you just can do it once per 24 hours.
Twitter Followers
So how to get a lot of followers on twitter?
- Go to this website
- Choose the free plan (Or you can choose VIP Plan if you wanted to pay for it)
- Insert your username and password
- Thick the "Accept program policy"
- Click the "Get 100 Followers Now" Button
- And the page will sent you directly to the twitter authentication page, now you must Authenticate your account
- Click the authenticate button
- And the page will sent you back to the
- And now you just wait for 3-5 after that lets see your twitter account
- And your followers will be increased
So how about the List Of Site Service to Increase Twitter Followers ?
Ok this is it List Of Site Service to Increase Twitter Followers
Ok maybe thats it the List Of Site Service to Increase Twitter Followers
Read More "List Of Site Service to Increase Twitter Followers"
Friday, March 09, 2012

20 Inner Page Dofollow Blog List With High Pagerank 2012

Hai guys, after long time i didnt update my blog. Now i will share a new article 20 Inner Page Dofollow Blog List With High Pagerank 2012.
After shared dofollow blog list 2012 to you and 50 new dofollow blog list with High Pagerank.
And the great of Dofollow blog list with high pagerank 2011
Now i will share 20 Inner Page Dofollow Blog List With High Pagerank 2012.

Pagerank 3

Pagerank 2

Pagerank 1

Ok that's it, i hope it will helped you to increase your pagerank.
20 Inner Page Dofollow Blog List With High Pagerank 2012.
Read More "20 Inner Page Dofollow Blog List With High Pagerank 2012"
Friday, March 02, 2012

Optimize Your On Page SEO

Ok with me again guys, now i will tell you how to Optimize Your On Page SEO for better SERP. SEO is the most important think to increase your rank on google.
So now, what is On Page SEO?

What Is On Page SEO ?

On page SEO is the process of optimizing the content of your website. This includes the text, images and links on your website. Anything uploaded to your site’s domain is considered on page.

How To Optimize Your blog With On Page SEO

This following is the foundation and structure in which you can fully optimize each of your posts or web pages. Just be consistent, put these methods to work and set out to provide a good user experience. If you carefully implement these steps you will be miles ahead of your competition.

Follow Below Steps For Better On Page SEO

1: Your main keyword phrase must be in your domain name.

For example, It’s well known as powerfull technique for On Page SEO. If your keyword is low competitor then it’s easy to be number one in Google. How if your domain isn’t abailable? Try .net , .org or .info. If still isn’t available, I usually add number behind keyword. For example : or

2. Your main keyword phrase must be placed in the title tag 2 times,

for example:
** Make this specific to each page you do. For example if you had an additional page about baseball hats you would change accordingly.
By the way the title tag is one of the most important lines in an entire site, so make sure you take advantage of it.
3. Your main keyword phrase should be in your meta description 2 times,
for example.
** Make this specific to each page you do. For example if you had an additional page about baseball hats you would change accordingly.
4. Your main keyword phrase must be in your meta keyword description,
for example.
**Make this specific to each page you do. For example if you had an additional page about baseball hats you would change accordingly.
5. Your main keyword phrase must appear in the in H1, H2 and H3 Tags. The tag being the most important.
6. Your main keyword phrase must appear near the beginning of the first sentence in each paragraph.

7. Your main keyword phrase must appear in the last sentence of each paragraph.

8. Your overall keyword density of each page or post should be at least 3%. This means your main keyword phrase should be at least 3% of the entire page.
9. Using your main keywords as the anchor text you need to link to another internal page on your site at least once,
for example:
Insomnia Cures

10. Using your main keyword phrase as the anchor text you need to link out to an authority site at least once with a no follow tag

11. Make sure you remove all other outgoing links or add a no follow tag to them. Think of your website as a container and the “no follow attribute” as the lid.

12. Make sure each image you add has an “alt tag” with your main keyword in it.

13. Make sure for each of your pages or posts that you bold, underline and italicise your main keyword phrase at least once.
14. Make sure that each page or post is at least 850 to 1,000 words in length and is “tightly written” around your main keyword phrase. 

Source : Dailybloggingtips
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New 50 Dofollow Blog List 2012 High Pagerank

50 Dofollow Blog List 2012 High Pagerank
Hai guys, are you waiting for new dofollow blog list with high pagerank from me? Ok i will share the list to you, ok so this is it. 50 Dofollow Blog List 2012 With High Pagerank.
Lets make a comment on it, but remember dont do SPAM.
Want Your Link Here ! Comment Below … * Dofollow And Commentluv Blogs Only
List Of Top 50 Popular Dofollow Blogs List  .Start Commenting And Enjot Traffic From Dofollow Blog
Dofollow Blog List 2012, List of dofollow blog 2012
Read More "New 50 Dofollow Blog List 2012 High Pagerank"
Saturday, February 18, 2012

5 Best Photoshop Web Design Tutorial

After Shared 8 Amazing Photoshop Tutorial Ever, now i will shared the second post about Photoshop Tutorial. Yeah this second post about photoshop tutorial is especially for web designer. because now i will share 5 Best Photoshop Web Design Tutorial.
If you're a professional web designer i think you can use photoshop program, so if you think you aren't a professional web designer, you can go to this link below to be a professional web designer with photoshop
5 Best Photoshop Web Design Tutorial
1. Photoshop Paper Texture from Scratch
Great web design photoshop tutorial
2. How to Create a Grunge Web Design
Great Grunge Photoshop Tutorial
3. Design an Awesome Band Website Template
Really amazing template, and you can do it with adobe photoshop cs
  4. Designing a CSS based template
Template for personal blog
5. Create a Dark Themed Web Design from Scratch
Dark themed Web Design from Scratch
Maybe thats it, 5 Best Photoshop Web Design Tutorial
Read More "5 Best Photoshop Web Design Tutorial"

8 Most Wanted Photoshop Tutorial

8 Most Wanted Photoshop Tutorial
Hai guys, this is my first Photoshop CS5 Tutorial. Today i visited a site about photoshop tutorial. I think that's a great photoshop tutorial i had ever seen, so i think i must shared this photoshop CS5 tutorial to you.
Ok so this is it 8 Most Wanted Photoshop Tutorial Ever
1. 30 Ultra High End Photoshop Tutorial
40 Photoshop techniques and effects to help you add a splash of macabre to your work. 
2. 25 Photoshop Tutorial For Web Designer
Its a greatest Web Design Tutorial Ever
3. 2008 Most Useful Photoshop Tutorial For Professional Designer
Most useful photoshop tutorial, Great Photoshop Tutorial
4. Greatest Retro Photoshop Tutorial
The way to be a retro designer, Photoshop Tutorial
5. 50 Execellent Photography Photoshop Tutorial
Be a photo editor with this photoshop tutorial
6. 40 Greatest Web Design Interface With Photoshop Tutorial
A Web Design Interface photoshop Tutorial again!
7. 40 Beautiful Photoshop Grunge Tutorial
Grunge photoshop Tutorial
8. 50 Photoshop Creative Text Effect
Creative Text Effect With Photoshop
Ok maybe thats it the amazing photoshop tutorial, hope you like it.
Source : noupe
Read More "8 Most Wanted Photoshop Tutorial"

Angry Birds Online

Play angry birds online for free
A million of people knew about this popular game, ya its called Angry Birds. You must pay for the full version game, or you can search the Full Version Angry Birds Game on google. But thats illegal, so i recommend to you just play Angry Birds Online Game. That's not significantly different, Angry Birds Online game is really same with the Angry Birds Original games.
So how to Play Angry Birds Online For Free.
Simple,  just click this link below to play angry birds game online for free 
Ok maybe that's it that i wanted to share to you, Angry Birds Online

Keyword For This Article :
Angry Birds Online, Play Angry Birds Online For Free, Angry Birds Online For Free, Play Angry Birds Online
Read More "Angry Birds Online"
Friday, February 17, 2012

Zenni Optical - Buy 2 get 1 Free

Zenni optical is an eyeglasses seller website. I recommend this site to you if you want to bought an/some eyeglasses. Why?
Ok i will tell you why?
1. This site has launched "Buy 2 Get 1 Free Program"
Its a big promo right? For example, you've 1 child and doctor recommend she/he to wear an eyeglasses. And you and your wife is a glasses wearer too, i think you can bought 2 eyeglasses on Zenni Optical and because this program you'll get 1 other glasses. And you can give the extra glasess to your children. It save your money right?
2. There's a Thousand Kind's of Glasses
There's a thousand kind's of great Glasses. The price range is from $6 - $46, and there's a three prescription type. Single vision, bifocal, and Progressive. Zenni Optical is the #1 online eyeglasses store offering high quality complete $6.95 prescription eyeglasses.
There's a 5 kind's of eyeglasses on Zenni Optical :
  1. Full Rim
  2. Half Rim
  3. Rimless
  4. Shunshide
  5. and Google's
4 Shape :
  1. Rectangle
  2. Oval
  3. Aviator
  4. and Round
And there's many style of eye glasses :
  1. Acetate/Plastic
  2. Alumunium Aloy
  3. Leading Edge
  4. Memory Titanium
  5. Mixed material
  6. Stainless Steel
  7. Titanium
  8. and Valentine's Day
So What are you waiting for? Let's buy the best eyeglasses on Zenni Optical
Read More "Zenni Optical - Buy 2 get 1 Free"

Angry Birds Season - Angry Birds Valentine's

Hello guys, after i didnt update jmy blog for maybe 2 weeks, now i will share a new Angry Birds Season Game, yeah Angry Birds Valentine's
Angry Birds Valentine's Free.

The Valentine Edition of Angry Birds brings 15 new levels, all are dedicated to Valentine’s Day. So-you-can find a lot of pink, hearts, very nice looking birds and pigs and a custom soundtrack. Besides the 15 new levels have once again gained golden eggs. Angry Birds seasons.

Angry Birds Seasons was developed for Android by Rovio Mobile Ltd.
Package name : com.rovio..apk
File size: 14.5MB

Download Angry Birds Valentine Edition Android Game v1.2.0:

Angry Birds valentine, Angry Birds Valentine Free
Read More "Angry Birds Season - Angry Birds Valentine's"
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Brand Your Comment To Get Traffic

I got new friend thorugh my blog. How to do that? I saw their comment on my blog and i replied them. So branding your comment on other blog can increase your traffic and make you have a new friend too. Why give a comment on other blog can increase your traffic?
If you commented on other blogs and not do SPAM, maybe some people that visit that blog will be interest with your comment, and if you place your homepage link on your comment maybe they will click it and go to your blog. So i think with brand your comment on others blog, it will increase your traffic. So Happy Commenting, but not to SPAM!!
Why Should I Comment? And How Should i Comment?
Search Engine : Commenting on other blogs will place your link on that blog. And place your URL directly to search engine. 
Linking : Usually comment are made by entering details like Name, Email, and your Blog URL. So it helps to link your blog from other blogs.
Use Emoticons :  You canalso use some worthy expression emoticons to make the comment look interactive and attractive.
Be The First To Comment : Tried to be the first on every blog post. The first comment is the best immpression, so the first comment is the best way to increase your traffic
Branding : By commenting frequently in blogs will help others to remember your name and blog name. Even regular readers will be aware of you and your blog. Most popular blog have top commentator widget installed. So always tried to be top commentator of a blog. It effectively inrease your traffic.

As per i consern never/ever spam your comment! Don't misuse or abuse commenting
Source : hellboundbloggers
Read More "Brand Your Comment To Get Traffic"
Friday, January 20, 2012

Threaded Comment Replies Added To All Blogger Comment Forms

How to add Threaded comment replies to your blog, Threaded Comment Replies Added To All Blogger Comment Forms
Threaded Comment On Blogger
While that tutorial was a valid option to allow readers to reply to comments it did not place the reply to each comment in a threaded fashion. In fact many of the comments on that post asked was it possible to have the reply placed under the original comment. After so many many requests the Blogger Team have taken note and today Threaded comment replies are now available on Blogger.

And now i will share this tutorial to you, hmm i know this trick from spice up your blog. You can visit that blog for other information or visit blogger team. As you see on my blog, if you commented on my blog post, my comment box are threaded. because i've tried this tutorial and its work. Ok so this is it. How To Add Threaded Comment Replies To Your Blog.

How to activate comment replies on Blogger

For most people the threaded comment replies will be activated automatically on your blog. If you cant see the comment replies here is a check list to get them working :

Comment form is set as embed - Go to your settings > Comments > Comment Form Placement > Tick "Embedded below post" and make sure to scroll to the foot of the page and save.

Site feed is set to full - Got to settings > Site feed > Allow Blog Feeds > From the drop down menu choose " Full" and make sure to scroll to the foot of the page and save.

If none of this is working it could be your template, leave a comment.

Source : SpiceUpYourBlog
Read More "Threaded Comment Replies Added To All Blogger Comment Forms"
Thursday, January 12, 2012

How To Change Blockquote Design On Blogger

How To Change Blockquote Design On Blogger, Change Blockquote On Blogger, Change The Blockquote Design On Blogger.
Hai guys, now i will share a tutorial to you. Its about "How To Change Your Blockquote Design On Blogger" I hope this tutorial will be useful for you. I think its not a great web design tutorial. But it may useful for you, exactly for a newbie blogger like me, who like to spice up their blog. Ok lets we started "How To Change Your Blog Quote Design On Blogger"

How To Change Blockquote Design On Blogger
1. Login to blogger
2. Design - Edit HTML - Expand Widget Template
3. Find </b:skin> code, and paste this code below BEFORE </b:skin> code
.blockquote {
background: #484B52 url( ;
margin: 10 20px;
padding: 20px 20px 20px 50px;
font: normal 0.9em Helvetica, verdana, serif, Georgia, "Times New Roman";
And save your template. After that you can check is that work or not? Just create a new post and write any word on that post, and then click blockquote or just type a word between this code.
<blockquote>Type Your Word here</blockquote>
And you'll found a blockquote design like me, if you not like this blockquote design. You can edit the CSS code that i given to you. Just flow your creativty. OK thanks for follow up my blog
Read More "How To Change Blockquote Design On Blogger"
Friday, January 06, 2012

Lets Create A Great Advertisement Widget On Your Site

Sometimes i visit Spice Up Your Blog blog, because i think i can get many information about web design, sometimes i can get an idea because spice up your blog. And today im very excited because i think the "Advertise Here" Widget on spice up your blog is very beautiful and great. If you like that but you dont know how to create a beautiful advertisement box like that, i will give you a tutorial about that.
So Lets Create A Beautiful Advertisement Box

1. Login to blogger
2. Layout - Edit HTML
3. Paste this code below before </b:skin>
#advertisement{background:#81acc7; padding-top:60px; padding-bottom:65px; width: 250px;
-webkit-transition:all 0.2s ease;-moz-transition:all 0.2s ease;-o-transition:all 0.2s ease;
font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', arial, serif;
text-align:center; color:#fff;font-size: 18px;}
#advertisement a:hover{color:#fff;}
55px; padding-bottom:57px; width: 125px; margin-bottom:10px; float:left;
-webkit-transition:all 0.2s ease;-moz-transition:all 0.2s ease;-o-transition:all 0.2s ease;
font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', arial, serif;
text-align:center; color:#fff;font-size: 18px;}
And then save your template
5. And now go to Layout - Page Element
6. Click add gadget - Add HTML/Javascript
7. And then paste this code below
<div id='advertisement'>
Advertise here
8. And then save it.
advertisement, advertise here, advertise here widget
"Advertise Here" Widget - Blog Yahyagan

advertisement, advertise here, advertise here widget
"Advertise Here" Widget Spice Up Your Blog
Try to place your mouse (cursor)  on the advertisement box, you'll see what happen. I thinks that's a really great hover effect.
Now you'll see how the code look like. I love the transtition effect. And remember i get this idea and inspired by SpiceUpYourBlog. Maybe sometime you can visit SpiceUpYourBlog, you'll find great blogger tutorial. So let's follow that blog.
Next time i will show you a tutorial, how to change blogger font.
Inspired By : SpiceUpYourBlog
Source : Blog Yahyagan
Read More "Lets Create A Great Advertisement Widget On Your Site"
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Dofollow Blog List 2012

Dofollow Blog List 2012, High Pr Dofollow Blog, High Page Rank Dofollow Blog 2012
Hai guys, now i will share to you some dofollow blog list. I have heard that maybe google will update page rank on January 2012 but i dont know when, so we must prepare our blog to get page rank from google. How to prepare our blog to get a page rank from google? We must get some backlink from the website that had huge page rank, and now i will share too you some website that have huge page rank and thewebsite are dofollow.
Ok, whats dofollow mean?
I dont know what is dofollow mean? But if we commented on the dofollow blog, we get 1 backlink from that blog. So if we commented on 100 dofollow blog, we will get 100 backlink. I think 100 backlink is enough to got page rank 2 or 3 from google. So whatare you waiting for? Lets commented on dofollow blog list that i've shared to you
Dofollow Blog List 2012. And Remember, this blog is still dofollow  PR2  PR2  PR2  PR4  PR7  PR7  PR6  PR6  PR6  PR6  PR6  PR3
Ok thats it, i hope it will increase your page rank on the next google pagerank update. Hope you enjoy it
Dofollow Blog List 2012 
High PR dofollow Blog List 2012
Source :
Read More "Dofollow Blog List 2012"
My photo
15 years old blogger from Indonesia. Yahya Ayyash. Born on 4th March 1996. Started blogging since 2011, part time blogger. Just an amateur web designer, graphic designer and blogger. Student at SMAN 9 Bandung, at Ten Three Class. Please follow my twitter and like my facebook fan page.