Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Google Doodle Celebrate 101st Years Akira Yoshizawa

Today 14th March 2012 Google Doodle Celebrate 101st Years Akira Yoshizawa.
Born on March 14, 1911, in Kaminokawa, Japan, to the family of a dairy farmer. When a child, he took pleasure in teaching himself origami. He moved into a factory job in Tokyo when he was 13 years old. His passion for it was rekindled in his early 20s, when he was promoted from factory worker to technical draftsman. His new job was to teach junior employees geometry. Yoshizawa used the traditional art of origami to understand and communicate geometrical problems.
Google Doodle Celebrate 101st Years Akira Yoshizawa.
In 1937 he left factory work to pursue origami full-time. During the next 20 years, he lived in total poverty, earning his living by door-to-door selling of tsukudani (a Japanese preserved condiment that is usually made of seaweed). His origami work was creative enough to be included in the 1944 book Origami Shuko, by Isao Honda (本多 功). However it was his work for a 1951 issue of the magazine Asahi Graph that launched his career although, according to another account, his first step on the professional road was a set of 12 zodiac signs commissioned by a magazine in 1954.
In 1954 his first monograph, Atarashi Origami Geijutsu (New Origami Art) was published. In this work he established the Yoshizawa-Randlett system of notation for origami folds which has become the standard for most paperfolders. The publishing of this book helped Yoshizawa out of his poverty. It was followed closely by his founding of the International Origami Centre in Tokyo in 1954, when he was 43.
His first overseas exhibition was organised in 1955 by Felix Tikotin, a Dutch architect and art collector of German-Jewish origin, in the Stedelijk Museum. Yoshizawa lent many of his own origami models to other exhibitions around the world. He would never sell his origami figures, but rather gave them away as gifts to people, and let other groups and organizations borrow them for exhibiting.
He married his second wife Mrs Kiyo Yoshizawa. She served as his manager and taught origami alongside him till his death on his 94th birthday..
Google Doodle Celebrate 101st Years Akira Yoshizawa.
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Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger

Hai guys, now i will share a tutorial about Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger. I have said a thousand time that, "I always visit spiceupyourbog to get inspired, and sometimes i will repost some post on spiceupyourblog". And now i got an awesome tutorial and i want to repost that tutorial on my blog, called Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger.
Do you know Sharing is sexy widget? Ya, its a great widget and useful. Now spiceupyourblog make an another version of sharing is sexy widget. Its an open slide heart social bookmarking. You can see the demo by clicking here

Add The Split Heart Bookmarking Gadget Top Your Blog

Remember guys, always backup your template before you started to editing your template.
Ok lets do it Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger

1. Login to blogger - Design - Edit HTML
2. Find </head> code, you can use Ctrl + F to help you find it
3. Copy this code below before the </head> code
<!-- Start Heart Bookmarking Gadget Code From http://www.spiceupyourblog.com/ -->
<script src='http://w.sharethis.com/gallery/shareegg/shareegg.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='http://w.sharethis.com/button/buttons.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>stLight.options({publisher: &quot;ur-98d377f-bdd3-9ad1-fbe5-2a678f0a60ee&quot;, onhover:false}); </script>
<link href='http://w.sharethis.com/gallery/shareegg/shareegg.css' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<!-- End Heart Bookmarking Gadget Code From http://www.spiceupyourblog.com/ -->
4.  And the next tips is find this following code </body>
5. After that copy this code below, before </body>
<!-- Start Heart Share Code From http://www.spiceupyourblog.com/ -->
<div style='position: fixed; bottom: 2%; left: 2%;'>
<div class='shareEgg' id='shareThisShareHeart'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>stlib.shareEgg.createEgg(&#39;shareThisShareHeart&#39;, [&#39;facebook&#39;,&#39;twitter&#39;,&#39;pinterest&#39;,&#39;linkedin&#39;,&#39;stumbleupon&#39;,&#39;email&#39;,&#39;sharethis&#39;], {title:&#39; <data:blog.pageTitle/>&#39;,url:&#39;<data:blog.url/>&#39;,theme:&#39;shareheart&#39;});</script><a href="http://www.spiceupyourblog.com/">Blogger Wordpress Gadgets</a>
<!-- End Heart Share Code From http://www.spiceupyourblog.com/ -->

How to Change The Widget Position

The Gadget is currently set to be in the bottom right corner of your blog but you can easily change this. In blue above you can see bottom: 2%; left: 2%;. You can change Bottom to top for it to be at the top of the page and left to right for it to be on the right of the page. You can also change the percentages to have it further from the bottom/top and left/right.
6. Save your template
Ok thats it  Add An Awesome Open Slide Heart Bookmarking Widget For Blogger, you can put your question below.
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Monday, March 12, 2012

List Of Site Service to Increase Twitter Followers

List Of Site Service to Increase Twitter Followers
Yes, now twitter is the best social media that will helped you to increase your visitor. But how to get a lot of visitor on twitter? Its simple how to get a lot of visitor on twitter, now many site has a service that will give you a lot of visitor. Just register on that site an click "get 100 Followers". Its not a scam, although the password arent protected so the site can tweet an auto tweet to your account but its really give you a lot of followers. But you just can do it once per 24 hours.
Twitter Followers
So how to get a lot of followers on twitter?
- Go to this website HitFollow.info
- Choose the free plan (Or you can choose VIP Plan if you wanted to pay for it)
- Insert your username and password
- Thick the "Accept program policy"
- Click the "Get 100 Followers Now" Button
- And the page will sent you directly to the twitter authentication page, now you must Authenticate your account
- Click the authenticate button
- And the page will sent you back to the hifollow.info
- And now you just wait for 3-5 after that lets see your twitter account
- And your followers will be increased
So how about the List Of Site Service to Increase Twitter Followers ?
Ok this is it List Of Site Service to Increase Twitter Followers
  • http://www.hitfollow.info
  • http://www.spreadyourtweets.com
  • http://www.letgetmorefollowers.info
  • http://www.newfollow.info
  • http://www.plusfollower.info
  • http://www.followback.info
Ok maybe thats it the List Of Site Service to Increase Twitter Followers
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Friday, March 09, 2012

20 Inner Page Dofollow Blog List With High Pagerank 2012

Hai guys, after long time i didnt update my blog. Now i will share a new article 20 Inner Page Dofollow Blog List With High Pagerank 2012.
After shared dofollow blog list 2012 to you and 50 new dofollow blog list with High Pagerank.
And the great of Dofollow blog list with high pagerank 2011
Now i will share 20 Inner Page Dofollow Blog List With High Pagerank 2012.

Pagerank 3

Pagerank 2

Pagerank 1 
http://designofpassion.blogspot.com/2009/08/hand-drawing-skecth-design.html http://designofpassion.blogspot.com/2009/12/t-shirt-design-collection.html

Ok that's it, i hope it will helped you to increase your pagerank.
20 Inner Page Dofollow Blog List With High Pagerank 2012.
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Friday, March 02, 2012

Optimize Your On Page SEO

Ok with me again guys, now i will tell you how to Optimize Your On Page SEO for better SERP. SEO is the most important think to increase your rank on google.
So now, what is On Page SEO?

What Is On Page SEO ?

On page SEO is the process of optimizing the content of your website. This includes the text, images and links on your website. Anything uploaded to your site’s domain is considered on page.

How To Optimize Your blog With On Page SEO

This following is the foundation and structure in which you can fully optimize each of your posts or web pages. Just be consistent, put these methods to work and set out to provide a good user experience. If you carefully implement these steps you will be miles ahead of your competition.

Follow Below Steps For Better On Page SEO

1: Your main keyword phrase must be in your domain name.

For example, www.insomniacures.com. It’s well known as powerfull technique for On Page SEO. If your keyword is low competitor then it’s easy to be number one in Google. How if your domain isn’t abailable? Try .net , .org or .info. If still isn’t available, I usually add number behind keyword. For example : www.insomniacures1.com or www.insomniacures123.com

2. Your main keyword phrase must be placed in the title tag 2 times,

for example:
** Make this specific to each page you do. For example if you had an additional page about baseball hats you would change accordingly.
By the way the title tag is one of the most important lines in an entire site, so make sure you take advantage of it.
3. Your main keyword phrase should be in your meta description 2 times,
for example.
** Make this specific to each page you do. For example if you had an additional page about baseball hats you would change accordingly.
4. Your main keyword phrase must be in your meta keyword description,
for example.
**Make this specific to each page you do. For example if you had an additional page about baseball hats you would change accordingly.
5. Your main keyword phrase must appear in the in H1, H2 and H3 Tags. The tag being the most important.
6. Your main keyword phrase must appear near the beginning of the first sentence in each paragraph.

7. Your main keyword phrase must appear in the last sentence of each paragraph.

8. Your overall keyword density of each page or post should be at least 3%. This means your main keyword phrase should be at least 3% of the entire page.
9. Using your main keywords as the anchor text you need to link to another internal page on your site at least once,
for example:
Insomnia Cures

10. Using your main keyword phrase as the anchor text you need to link out to an authority site at least once with a no follow tag

11. Make sure you remove all other outgoing links or add a no follow tag to them. Think of your website as a container and the “no follow attribute” as the lid.

12. Make sure each image you add has an “alt tag” with your main keyword in it.

13. Make sure for each of your pages or posts that you bold, underline and italicise your main keyword phrase at least once.
14. Make sure that each page or post is at least 850 to 1,000 words in length and is “tightly written” around your main keyword phrase. 

Source : Dailybloggingtips
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New 50 Dofollow Blog List 2012 High Pagerank

50 Dofollow Blog List 2012 High Pagerank
Hai guys, are you waiting for new dofollow blog list with high pagerank from me? Ok i will share the list to you, ok so this is it. 50 Dofollow Blog List 2012 With High Pagerank.
Lets make a comment on it, but remember dont do SPAM.
Want Your Link Here ! Comment Below … * Dofollow And Commentluv Blogs Only
List Of Top 50 Popular Dofollow Blogs List  .Start Commenting And Enjot Traffic From Dofollow Blog
Dofollow Blog List 2012, List of dofollow blog 2012
Read More "New 50 Dofollow Blog List 2012 High Pagerank"
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15 years old blogger from Indonesia. Yahya Ayyash. Born on 4th March 1996. Started blogging since 2011, part time blogger. Just an amateur web designer, graphic designer and blogger. Student at SMAN 9 Bandung, at Ten Three Class. Please follow my twitter and like my facebook fan page.